"Heart of Darkness"
by Joseph Conrad

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     His name, you understand, had not been pronounced once. He was "that man." The half-caste, who, as far as I could see, had conducted a difficult trip with great prudence and pluck, was invariably alluded to as "that scoundrel." The "scoundrel" had reported that the "man" had been very ill -- had recovered imperfectly...


     The two below me moved away then a few paces, and strolled back and forth at some little distance. I heard: "Military post – doctor -- two hundred miles -- quite alone now -- unavoidable delays -- nine months -- no news -- strange rumours." They approached again, just as the manager was saying, "No one, as far as I know, unless a species of wandering trader -- a pestilential fellow, snapping ivory from the natives." Who was it they were talking about now? I gathered in snatches that this was some man supposed to be in Kurtz's district, and of whom the manager did not approve.

     "We will not be free from unfair competition till one of these fellows is hanged for an example," he said.

Text provided by Project Gutenberg.
Audio by LiteralSystems, told by David Kirkwood with narration by Tom Franks,
through the generous support of Gordon W. Draper.
Audio copyright, 2007 LoudLit.org, some rights reserved.
Flash mp3 player by Jeroen Wijering. (cc) some rights reserved.
Web page presentation by LoudLit.org.