"The Secret Sharer"
by Joseph Conrad

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     My tone had a borrowed loudness reverberated from the height of the land. Several voices cried out together: "We are all on deck, sir."

     Then stillness again, with the great shadow gliding closer, towering higher, without a light, without a sound. Such a hush had fallen on the ship that she might have been a bark of the dead floating in slowly under the very gate of Erebus.

     "My God! Where are we?"

     It was the mate moaning at my elbow. He was thunderstruck, and as it were deprived of the moral support of his whiskers. He clapped his hands and absolutely cried out, "Lost!"


     "Be quiet," I said, sternly.

     He lowered his tone, but I saw the shadowy gesture of his despair. "What are we doing here?"

     "Looking for the land wind."

     He made as if to tear his hair, and addressed me recklessly.

     "She will never get out. You have done it, sir. I knew it'd end in something like this. She will never weather, and you are too close now to stay. She'll drift ashore before she's round. O my God!"

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