"Tom Sawyer"
by Mark Twain

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     He returned, now, and hung about the fence till nightfall, "showing off," as before; but the girl never exhibited herself again, though Tom comforted himself a little with the hope that she had been near some window, meantime, and been aware of his attentions. Finally he strode home reluctantly, with his poor head full of visions.

     All through supper his spirits were so high that his aunt wondered "what had got into the child." He took a good scolding about clodding Sid, and did not seem to mind it in the least. He tried to steal sugar under his aunt's very nose, and got his knuckles rapped for it. He said:

     "Aunt, you don't whack Sid when he takes it."


     "Well, Sid don't torment a body the way you do. You'd be always into that sugar if I warn't watching you."

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