"A Tale of Two Cities"
by Charles Dickens

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     The shoemaker looked up as before, but without removing a hand from his work.

     "Come!" said Defarge. "Here is monsieur, who knows a well-made shoe when he sees one. Show him that shoe you are working at. Take it, monsieur."

     Mr. Lorry took it in his hand.

     "Tell monsieur what kind of shoe it is, and the maker's name."

     There was a longer pause than usual, before the shoemaker replied:


     "I forget what it was you asked me. What did you say?"

     "I said, couldn't you describe the kind of shoe, for monsieur's information?"

     "It is a lady's shoe. It is a young lady's walking-shoe. It is in the present mode. I never saw the mode. I have had a pattern in my hand." He glanced at the shoe with some little passing touch of pride.

     "And the maker's name?" said Defarge.

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