"A Tale of Two Cities"
by Charles Dickens

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     "What's on?" he asked, in a whisper, of the man he found himself next to.

     "Nothing yet."

     "What's coming on?"

     "The Treason case."

     "The quartering one, eh?"


     "Ah!" returned the man, with a relish; "he'll be drawn on a hurdle to be half hanged, and then he'll be taken down and sliced before his own face, and then his inside will be taken out and burnt while he looks on, and then his head will be chopped off, and he'll be cut into quarters. That's the sentence."

     "If he's found Guilty, you mean to say?" Jerry added, by way of proviso.

     "Oh! they'll find him guilty," said the other. "Don't you be afraid of that."

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