"A Tale of Two Cities"
by Charles Dickens

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     "Let me interrupt you for a moment. Had he come on board alone?"


     "How many were with him?"

     "Two French gentlemen."

     "Had they conferred together?"

     "They had conferred together until the last moment, when it was necessary for the French gentlemen to be landed in their boat."


     "Had any papers been handed about among them, similar to these lists?"

     "Some papers had been handed about among them, but I don't know what papers."

     "Like these in shape and size?"

     "Possibly, but indeed I don't know, although they stood whispering very near to me: because they stood at the top of the cabin steps to have the light of the lamp that was hanging there; it was a dull lamp, and they spoke very low, and I did not hear what they said, and saw only that they looked at papers."

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